Atherosclerosis. Causes of Atherosclerosis.
Medicine considers cardiovascular diseases to be psychosomatic. The fact is that the work of the heart is inextricably linked with the emotional centre of the human brain and is regulated by the central nervous system in the inborn reflex of blood circulation. Most commonly, emotional stress disorders are the cause of vascular diseases. Stable stress disrupts metabolic processes in the body. Receptors cease to catch and remove cholesterol from the body, and it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The walls of blood vessels cease to receive substances necessary for life. The vessels become fragile. Psychotherapy of emotional disorders will help to return metabolic processes to normal. After that, the body itself will remove cholesterol from the vessels. If you have atherosclerosis, then in addition to pharmacological therapy, you will need the help of a behavioural psychotherapist to eliminate the psychological emotional causes of the disease.
Atherosclerosis of Blood Vessels. Atherosclerosis Treatment. Atherosclerosis Tablets.
You can eliminate the causes of atherosclerosis with the help of behavioural psychotherapy. But, because of the lack of specialists in this area, the treatment is aimed at the medicamentous stabilisation of the current condition. There are no atherosclerosis tablets. They eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but not its causes. As a result, the disease becomes chronic. If behavioural causes are not eliminated, anyone with chronic atherosclerosis can suffer from the disease his/her whole life, spending a lot of money on their health. Pharmacological therapy has to be accompanied by professional behavioural psychotherapy aimed at bringing the inborn reflex of blood circulation to normal.
Behavioural Psychotherapy. Psychological Help Online.
It is possible to take a behavioural psychotherapy course for atherosclerosis online, using the most advanced method in behavioural psychotherapy today, under the supervision of behavioural therapists from our centre. To do that, all you need is a computer (or a smartphone) and internet access. Psychotherapeutic training sessions are held at a time convenient to you, and with maximum comfort.