Caring for Parents, Respect, Reverence and Obedience


Care for Parents

There is an old saying: “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents, will not have true respect for anyone”. Teaching children to respect and care for their parents is an important element in a child’s upbringing. Years later such a positive attitude can become vital for the parents. Usually, children copy behaviour in the family and, if the husband and the wife care for and respect each other, this quality will also pass to the children. But what should we do if a family is dysfunctional or if relations between the spouses are far from ideal? In such situations, you can use the services of our educational Centre and register the child for motivational training to develop his/her care for the parents.

Problem ChildDisobedient Child

Why does children disobey? What should you do if your child is disobedient? We often get these questions from visitors to our website. The child disobeys his/her parents because he/she was not taught to obey. It is important to teach the child to be obedient from the earliest times, and it is better to do this without conflict. But if the child refuses to comply with parents’ requests on principle, or if you do not have time or the motivation to teach such behaviour, you can entrust the teachers of our centre with this task.

Online School. Online Training

Moral teaching training is held remotely, online, so no matter where you live, you can also access it. You will not have to travel to the Centres, you just need to get connect to the website. We have developed programs for individual sessions with a tutor as well as group training online. To illustrate the high quality of teaching, a test system for the assessment of students’ behavioural skills before and after the sessions has been developed. As a result, trust-based relations are formed between teachers and parents. The parents can see at any moment what their child is being taught and how his/her behaviour is changing.

Take a test to assess your child’s level of respect and obedience towards his/her parents

1. Does your child often say kind words to you?
2. Have you ever heard profane language from your child?
3. Do you have to repeat your requests several times before your child complies?
4. Does your child express his/her gratitude to you?
5. Do you sometimes have the feeling that it is very difficult for you to get along with your child?
6. When you talk to your child, does he/she always listen to you with respect?
7. Does your child ask for your advice in uncertain situations, that is, does he/she share problems with you?
8. Does your child treat grandparents and the elderly with respect?
9. If you ask your child to do something, do you always ensure that your request is fulfilled?
10. Are you pleased to spend time with each other?
Total number of points: 0

From 1 to 10 points. You have succeeded in getting along with your child. From all appearances, your relations are filled with mutual respect and gratitude.

From 11 to 20 points. It may be difficult for you to find a fulfilling approach to your child. You might have become weary of rebuking him/her all the time and face a wall of misunderstanding. The fact is that there are no unresolvable situations, you may just need to change your approach. There is a special program in our Centre to instigate a change of relations with the child, to make them more friendly and respectful, and minimise quarrels. We will gladly help you with this.

Caring for Parents

Sign up for training

Choose the desired option of interaction with a psychologist:

Consultation of the curator of the methodologist online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussion with the curator-methodologist of the individual qualities of your child. Selection of an individual program of development and upbringing.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон 7-999-253-7771 телефон 8-999-253-7771
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