Instilling a Wish to Study


The Child Does Not Want to Study

A child cannot fully develop without forming the desire to study. When a young person completes his/her home assignments without drama and attends school in a good mood, there are unlikely to be problems with studying. However, what can be done if a child does not concentrate well? How can a desire to study be cultivated?

Cultivating a Desire to Study

In our centre, we use a behavioural technique of motivational teaching to develop the desire to study. After such coaching, the child will not only be knowledgable, but have also a wish to study. As a rule, when there is a desire to study, the academic performance increases right away and motivational problems are resolved. In addition, the general level of the child’s diligence significantly rises while studying.

Online School

The coaching is held remotely, online, so no matter where you live, you can also access it. You will not have to travel to the Centres, you just need to get connect to the website. We have developed programs for individual sessions with a tutor as well as group training online. To illustrate the high quality of teaching, a test system for the assessment of students’ behavioural skills before and after the sessions has been developed. As a result, trust-based relations are formed between teachers and parents. The parents can see at any moment what their child is being taught and how his/her behaviour is changing.

Take a test to assess the level of your child’s wish to study

1. Is your child’s academic progress decreasing?
2. Does your child often skip school?
3. Has your child many academic debts?
4. Do teachers complain about your child’s studying?
5. When you ask your child what he/she likes to study, is he/she reluctant to answer the question?
6. Will the child do home assignments himself/herself if you do not make him/her do them?
7. Have teachers told you that your child does not obey them in classes?
8. Does your child go to school with joy after vacations?
9. Have you noticed that your child spends much time with gadgets, playing games/in social networks?
10. Do you have a trust-based contact with your child?
Total number of points: 0

From 1 to 10 points. Your child is definitely enthusiastic about the academic process. We are glad that you have succeeded in cultivating love towards the complicated and important task of studying.

From 11 to 20 points. Your child may experience difficulties in the process of study and you may be worried about this. You cannot make him/her love to study, but we would like to cheer you and say that, if the right approach is found, everything can be all right. There is a special program in our centre that can help solve this dilemma without much effort and help your child to love to study.

Instilling a Wish to Study

Sign up for training

Choose the desired option of interaction with a psychologist:

Consultation of the curator of the methodologist online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussion with the curator-methodologist of the individual qualities of your child. Selection of an individual program of development and upbringing.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон 7-999-253-7771 телефон 8-999-253-7771
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