Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms.
Medicine considers rheumatoid arthritis a psychosomatic disease. It means that the disease causes are connected with psychological behavioural disturbances.
The only means to eliminate the causes of the disease and achieve complete healing is by taking a psychotherapeutic course with a behavioural psychotherapist.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment. Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicines. Psychotherapeutic Help.
Arthritis medications only eliminate the disease symptoms. Pharmacological treatment without a psychotherapeutic course cannot eliminate disease causes. That is why rheumatoid arthritis is considered a chronic disease. A person with chronic arthritis may suffer from it for the rest of their lives, spending a great deal of money maintaining their health, if the behavioural causes are not removed. Pharmacological treatment has to be accompanied by professional behavioural psychotherapy aimed at returning the psychological state to normal.
Behavioural Psychotherapy. Psychological Help Online.
It is possible to take the rheumatoid arthritis behavioural therapy course online, with the use of the most advanced behavioural therapy method available today, under the supervision of psychotherapists from our centre. To do it, you just need a computer (or a smartphone) and internet access. Psychotherapeutic training sessions are held at a time convenient to you, and with maximum comfort.