Sex Education


What is sex education?

Sex education encompasses a system of teaching skills which foster good relations with children and teenagers. This education is based on moral, ethical, physiological, hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic aspects. Sex education aims to strengthen the institution of the family. Related upbringing tasks include the harmonious development of the younger generation, improving their knowledge of responsible intimacy, installing knowledge about reproductive functions, and the development of a sense of responsibility for reproductive health and family wellbeing. It is aimed at the prevention of promiscuity, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and HIV.

Sex Education Program Features

The coaching program aims to develop a sound knowledge of sexual relation hygiene and psychology. Group classes of motivational training are held separately for boys and girls. In cases of individual training, women work as tutors for girls, and men for boys.

Online School. Online Training

Sexual education coaching is held remotely, online, so no matter where you live, you can also access it. You wlll not have to travel to the Centres, it is sufficient to get connected to the learning website. We have developed programs for individual sessions with a tutor as well as online group training. To illustrate the high quality of teaching, a test system for the assessment of students’ behavioural skills before and after the sessions has been developed. As a result, trust-based relations are formed between teachers and parents. The parents can see at any moment what their child is being taught and how his/her behaviour is changing.

Take a test to assess the level of your child’s sex education

1. Do you discuss sex education themes with your child?
2. Has a teacher told you that your child has inappropriate sex relations with his/her classmates?
3. Can you calmly discuss personal sex hygiene with your child?
4. Can you tell your child about the child-bearing process?
5. Have you told your child about sexually transmitted diseases?
6. Have you told your child about ways to be protected from unwanted pregnancy?
7. Are you uncomfortable with discussing sex with your child?
8. Will you be able to explain calmly to your child the unacceptability of sex within the family, if he/she starts feeling sexually attracted to you?
9. Have you explained to your child why we need family units?
10. Have you explained to your child the meaning of love between a man and a woman?
Total number of points: 0

From 1 to 10 points. You know very well the features of sex education and can teach it professionally. Please accept our congratulations.

From 11 to 20 points. You do not feel comfortable discussing intimate topics with your child, but this question is really serious and significant. It requires a careful approach. You need to make an effort and start the sex education of your child. If it is impossible, you can ask us in the Child Centre for assistance.

Teaching pudicity

Sign up for training

Choose the desired option of interaction with a psychologist:

Consultation of the curator of the methodologist online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussion with the curator-methodologist of the individual qualities of your child. Selection of an individual program of development and upbringing.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон 7-999-253-7771 телефон 8-999-253-7771
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