Weight loss. How to lose weight?

The course of learning new behavior:

Диагностическое тестирование
Diagnostic testing
Персональная программа тренинга
Personal training program
Набор инструментов для прохождения тренинга
A set of tools for training
Личный психолог
Personal psychologist

Effective Weight Loss. Diet for Weight Loss. Menu for Weight Loss.

“I lost weight!” – the slogan of the generation of the 20th century.  If losing weight is your goal, it means you have problems with eating behaviour. The amount of food you eat is greater than your body needs, and this is manifested in excess weight and obesity. The easiest way to solve this problem is to follow a diet for weight loss and be able to choose a menu for weight loss.  However, this simple solution is rarely implemented. Every day, clients come to our centre with requests: How can I lose weight? What do I have to do to lose weight? What can I eat to lose weight?  You need to bring your eating behaviour back to normal.  Of course, it is necessary to create a nutritional menu for your weight loss plan and you also need to follow a diet. However, in addition, you need to break off the habits that resulted in excess weight in the first place, otherwise, you will not be able to follow a diet consistently and the weight will appear again.

Is it Possible to Lose Weight? How to Lose Weight. How to Lose Weight Fast! How Can You Lose Weight? Effective Weight Loss.

If you don’t want to have excess weight, your habits must correspond with your desire. So, you need to learn new habits and after that, you will prefer to eat less and only healthy food. Please note, that you will LIKE it! You will enjoy eating less and being slim and healthy. This is the only effective way to lose weight and stay slim. This behaviour doesn’t imply any exhausting physical exercises and suffering caused by food restrictions. To learn new behaviour, it is necessary to take a behavioural psychotherapy course with our centre.       

Obesity. Overeating. Overweight. Medication-Assisted Treatment.

Treatment of obesity is carried out in medical clinics.  Compulsive overeating is an addiction and is included in ICD-10 as a disease. However, medication-assisted treatment of overeating shows very low efficiency, since the causes of overeating are psychological.  You can’t combat overeating if you have psychological problems. Fat burners, obesity coding, and slimming tablets give a short-term result and, as a rule, overeating then becomes chronic. Behavioural psychology considers overeating, being overweight, and obesity an eating disorder. Its methods are aimed at eliminating the psychological causes of the disorder. That is why the efficiency of behavioural training techniques for weight loss is almost 90%.

How to Lose Weight at Home? Psychotherapeutic Assistance in the Case of Obesity Online.

You can bring your eating behaviour to normal with our psychological centre.  The weight-loss behaviour is coached remotely, online, so those who live in remote regions and other countries can get the training too. All you need is a smartphone or a computer and internet access. There is no need to waste time going out, just get connected to the website and have the coaching session at home, sitting in your favourite armchair or lying on your favourite sofa.

Take a test to assess your eating disorder level

1. Are you overweight more than 5 kg?
2. Have you been overweight for more than 1 year?
3. Do you often feel the desire to eat a lot of delicious food?
4. Can you stop the urge to eat late at night?
5. Do you overeat?
6. Do you have enough willpower to restrain yourself during an attack of gluttony?
7. Do you feel guilty when you eat a lot?
8. Do you talk to others about your problem of overeating?
9. Do you make an effort to lose weight?
10. Can you regularly follow a diet?
Total number of points: 0

from 10 to 12 points. Your behaviour is admirable. You have well-balanced eating habits.

from 13 to 20 points. You should seriously consider changing your attitude toward excess weight and, probably, use the services of a specialist to change your behaviour if you think that your efforts are not enough.

Psychotherapist consultation online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussion with a psychotherapist of the causes of psychosomatic diseases. Selection of an individual course of psychotherapy.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон +7 982 272-47-15 телефон +65 867 195 25
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Our advantages

Строгая конфиденциальность
An effective method of learning
The method was patented in the USA, the EU and the Russian Federation in 2021-2022
Удобный онлайн-формат
Convenient online format
You take a distance learning course at home at any time
Бесплатные консультации
Free consultations
During the course of behavior change, you are accompanied by a psychologist
Быстрый результат
Quick result
The duration of the course is from 10 to 42 days, depending on the condition