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Brush your teeth—prevent Alzheimer’s disease

31.07.2019 Author: Psychologist Pavel Khoroshutin
Oral hygiene

Researchers from the University of Bergen have noticed the link between gingivitis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers from the University of Bergen have noticed the link between gingivitis and Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists have discovered that the bacteria causing gum disease – gingivitis – can enter the brain. Bacteria produce enzyme proteins which destroy nerve cells in the brain. This in turn leads to memory loss and increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

The bacterium is not a direct cause of the disease, but when it penetrates the brain, it can provoke or accelerate its development.

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The scientists’ findings are encouraging for our health is in our hands. To prevent gingivitis and the possible subsequent development of Alzheimer’s disease, you need to properly brush your teeth, use dental floss, and visit your dentist regularly. Oral hygiene is a correct, healthy behavior which should be developed from childhood and maintained throughout life.

How to motivate yourself to brush your teeth:

  • brush your teeth while taking a shower (save time)
  • use an electric toothbrush (save energy)
  • put on your favorite music or an interesting video during cleaning (salvation from boredom)
  • carry a small tube of paste and brush with you (salvation from everyday awkward situations)
  • organize reminders on your phone, on the refrigerator, in the car (fighting forgetfulness)
  • take a course of behaviour modification to consolidate a healthy lifestyle and develop the habit of brushing your teeth easily and naturally.