Nobility. Education of high moral qualities.

The course of learning new behavior:

Диагностическое тестирование
Diagnostic testing
Персональная программа тренинга
Personal training program
Набор инструментов для прохождения тренинга
A set of tools for training
Личный психолог
Personal psychologist

Moral education

Nobility is a highly moral type of behaviour that includes the best patterns of ethics and morality. This behaviour is considered the best in all countries of the world and is the standard of morality. Nobility includes 8 types of target behaviour. To master this behaviour, you need to take behavioural skills training with our online school.

Nobility includes these types of target behaviour:

Politeness. Honesty. Decency. Modesty.

Politeness is the ability to communicate with people based on respect, cooperation and peacefulness. Uses polite communication.

Honesty is one of the foundations of moral behaviour. It is connected with conscience, aimed at observing social norms and is the basis of people’s trust in each other. It is obligatory for managing joint activities and comes from the need for people to live together.

Decency is the inability to stoop to low, immoral, antisocial behaviour. A decent person would never do anything unworthy. Rudeness is the opposite of decency.

Modesty is a positive moral quality expressed in a respectful and educated attitude towards people. It manifests itself in non-provocative, restrained behaviour and the ability to value the personal space of other people. This is important in order not to cause them aggression or envy towards themselves.

Fairness. Conscientiousness. Humanity.

Fairness is the requirement of correspondence between work and remuneration, rights and duties, etc. People need fairness to regulate relationships between themselves and to assess the adequacy of these relationships.

Conscientiousness is the careful fulfilment of social obligations. This is life according to conscience. Conscientiousness allows one to act deliberately and not succumb to the influence of impulses. Conscientiousness inspires trust and respect.

Humanity is a humane attitude.  It is expressed in love for people, and the recognition of universal human rights for every person. It makes human life the main value on earth. Humanity is free from anger, hatred, resentment and discontent. Humanity instils peace and tunes in goodwill.

Online school. Online training.

Moral behaviour coaching is held online. You do not need to waste time going to centres, just connect to the website. If you have a smartphone or computer and internet access, you can study at home, laying on your favourite couch, at a convenient time for you.

Take a test for noble behaviour

1. Do you sometimes deceive people?
2. Are you often provocative?
3. Are you often in conflict?
4. Do you keep all your promises?
5. Are you fair?
6. Are you conscientious?
7. Are you humane?
8. Are you polite?
9. Are you decent?
10. Are you honest?
Total number of points: 0

from 10 to 12 points. Your behaviour is great. You can be called a noble person.

from 13 to 20 points. Your moral behaviour may need to be corrected. We offer you to take a course on noble moral behaviour with our training centre. Teaching nobility is the pinnacle of ethical behaviour.

Consultation of a psychologist online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussing your problems with a psychologist. Selection of an individual course of psychocorrection.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон 7-999-253-7771 телефон 8-999-253-7771
Задать вопрос

Our advantages

Строгая конфиденциальность
An effective method of learning
The method was patented in the USA, the EU and the Russian Federation in 2021-2022
Удобный онлайн-формат
Convenient online format
You take a distance learning course at home at any time
Бесплатные консультации
Free consultations
During the course of behavior change, you are accompanied by a psychologist
Быстрый результат
Quick result
The duration of the course is from 10 to 42 days, depending on the condition