Volition. How to Improve Yourself? Development of Volitional Skills.

The course of learning new behavior:

Диагностическое тестирование
Diagnostic testing
Персональная программа тренинга
Personal training program
Набор инструментов для прохождения тренинга
A set of tools for training
Личный психолог
Personal psychologist

How to Develop Willpower? A School of Volition. Willpower Online Learning.

 It is not possible to achieve a high standard of living without building strong volition. Volition is the behavioural skills of a person aimed at maintaining behaviour following decisions made. Willpower lies in the ability to withstand difficulties and overcome obstacles.  The qualities of volition include the following abilities of the psyche: self-control, endurance, and stress resistance. Volition also performs two functions: motivating (the ability to do something useful despite laziness) and inhibitory (the power to restrain oneself from a bad habit).

How to Develop Willpower? Courage. Confidence. Patience. Commitment. Determination. Persistence. Will to Win.

A strong-willed person is a person who has mastered skills like courage, confidence, patience, dedication, determination, perseverance and the will to win. For a successful person, it is very important to learn the power of volition. Volitional skills can be developed and improved by the method of motivational coaching, using our centre.

 Online School. Online Learning.

Volitional skill coaching is held online, so just get connected to the website and have the coaching session at home, sitting in your favourite armchair or lying on your favourite sofa.

Take the test to assess your volition level

1. Do you often experience fear?
2. Do you know how to set a goal and quickly achieve it?
3. Are you determined always and in any mood?
4. Are you a quitter?
5. You can face any challenge.
6. Are you persistent in achieving your goal?
7. Are you always determined to win?
8. Do you know how to defend your opinion?
9. Do you consider yourself a strong-willed person?
10. Are you treated with respect in a team?
Total number of points: 0

from 10 to 12 points. Dedication, courage and determination are the qualities inherent in you. Due to them, you can achieve good results in your life, and you need to only maintain them at a high level.

from 13 to 20 points. You may have problems with your volition skills. The good news is that it can be changed. After good motivation coaching, you will have strong volitional skills in 2 to 6 weeks. We know how to help you.

Consultation of a psychologist online by phone or whatsapp, zoom
Discussing your problems with a psychologist. Selection of an individual course of psychocorrection.
The price is valid until June 30th!

What awaits you at the consultation?

In 60 minutes of conversation with leading psychologists
Sessions are conducted by phone whatsapp or zoom
- Tell us about your problem
- Clarify the request and outline a psychotherapy plan
- Get support and better understand your situation
- Find answers to your questions
Fast communication with us
телефон 7-999-253-7771 телефон 8-999-253-7771
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Our advantages

Строгая конфиденциальность
An effective method of learning
The method was patented in the USA, the EU and the Russian Federation in 2021-2022
Удобный онлайн-формат
Convenient online format
You take a distance learning course at home at any time
Бесплатные консультации
Free consultations
During the course of behavior change, you are accompanied by a psychologist
Быстрый результат
Quick result
The duration of the course is from 10 to 42 days, depending on the condition